+44 (0)1206 262380 dylan@dylanpym.co.uk

Welcome to Dylan's furniture

Welcome to Dylan's furniture Welcome to Dylan's furniture Welcome to Dylan's furniture
Dylan Pym makes handcrafted high quality furniture from locally sourced English hardwoods at his workshop which lies on the Suffolk border.
With 25 years experience, he has developed his passion for steam bending to create, by hand, modern, exciting and light furniture to keep the organic flow of nature in the final piece.

Dylan is happy to take commissions and encourages customer input. All pieces are made from solid English hardwood.
Each finished piece has the customer's name, the type of wood and place of origin carved discretely underneath.

Wood seasoned on site is our greatest advantage. It allows customers to choose their preferred planks for an individual piece of furniture.

Through Dylan's understanding of local woods the timber is of superior quality and is treated with respect from the tree trunk to the finished piece of furniture.

All the wood is felled and cut locally from sustainable sources.